Empowering Entrepreneurs: Trainees from Tailoring Program Launch Their Own Ventures
Success Stories Emerge as Trainees Take the Leap into Entrepreneurship
Amidst the ongoing Tailoring Skill Development Program facilitated by the NB Institute for Rural Technology (NBIRT), several trainees have already begun their entrepreneurial journey, demonstrating remarkable initiative and determination. Seven individuals, inspired by their newfound skills and empowered by access to sewing machines, have embarked on setting up their own ventures, marking a significant milestone in their lives.
Here are the inspiring success stories of these budding entrepreneurs:
Payel Das:
Age: 29+
Qualification: Madhyamik
Family Members: 4
Commercial Productions: 6 garments and lingerie
Market Exposure: Local community in Sekerkote
Seema Das:
Age: 42
Qualification: Madhyamik
Family Members: 5
Commercial Productions: Yet to begin
Market Exposure: In progress
Anjana Das:
Age: 24
Qualification: Madhyamik
Family Members: 5
Commercial Productions: 5 pieces of lingerie, 3-4 kurtis
Market Exposure: Local clientele in Pandabpur
Jayanti Das:
Age: 27
Qualification: Madhyamik
Family Members: 4
Commercial Productions: To be updated
Market Exposure: Local community in Sekerkote
Jayasree Das:
Age: 23
Qualification: VIII Pass
Family Members: 4
Commercial Productions: 40 pieces of top wear (Rhea)
Market Exposure: Local residents in Sekerkote
Jhumur Das:
Age: 23
Qualification: IX Pass
Family Members: 8
Commercial Productions: To be updated
Market Exposure: Household tasks
Reshmi Deb:
Age: 21
Qualification: H.S. Pass
Family Members: 4
Commercial Productions: 5 lingerie pieces
Market Exposure: Local community in Sekerkote
These courageous individuals, equipped with the skills acquired through the training program, are not only contributing to their households' economic stability but also inspiring others in their communities. Their entrepreneurial spirit exemplifies the transformative impact of skill development initiatives, fostering self-reliance and empowerment among rural women. As they embark on this new chapter of their lives, they serve as beacons of hope and resilience in their communities.
28 Mar 2024